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작성자 최고관리자 작성일 23-04-08 02:00 조회 545 댓글 0
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질문: how to make digital clock using javascript and show me an example.

Here is an example of how to make a digital clock using JavaScript:

[code]<script type="text/javascript">

// Get the current date
var date = new Date();

// Get the current hour
var hour = date.getHours();

// Get the current minute
var min = date.getMinutes();

// Get the current seconds
var sec = date.getSeconds();

// Format the minutes and seconds
if (min < 10) {
  min = '0' + min;

if (sec < 10) {
  sec = '0' + sec;

// Set up the clock string
var clock_string = hour + ':' + min + ':' + sec;

// Set the clock to the value of the clock string
document.getElementById('clock').innerHTML = clock_string;

// Update the clock every 1 second
setInterval(updateClock, 1000);

// Update the clock
function updateClock() {
  // Get the current date
  var date = new Date();

  // Get the current hour
  var hour = date.getHours();

  // Get the current minute
  var min = date.getMinutes();

  // Get the current seconds
  var sec = date.getSeconds();

  // Format the minutes and seconds
  if (min < 10) {
    min = '0' + min;
  if (sec < 10) {
    sec = '0' + sec;

  // Set up the clock string
  var clock_string = hour + ':' + min + ':' + sec;

  // Set the clock to the value of the clock string
  document.getElementById('clock').innerHTML = clock_string;


<p id="clock"></p>[/code]

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