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작성자 최고관리자 작성일 23-04-08 01:30 조회 533 댓글 0
기관명 test
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질문: how to create gallery slide using javascript?

Creating a gallery slide using JavaScript is relatively simple.

1. Begin by creating a div container, then add the necessary images. For example, use a div with a class of “slider”, and add the image tags of each image you'd like to include in the slider.

2. Add a button for each slide and a class for the buttons.

3. Create a JavaScript function that will handle the slide show for you. This function will take in an argument for which slide is currently active, and loop through all of the slides, and drag the content for each slide into the slider. This will give you the effect of a seamless sliding transition.

4. Create an onClick event listener for each button. This will enable the user to click the buttons and change the active slide.

5. To finish, style the elements with CSS so it looks nice.

And that's it. You have now created a simple gallery slide using JavaScript!

질문: how to create gallery slide using javascript? and show me an example. please

Creating a Javascript gallery slideshow is actually quite simple. You just need to create a slide deck with your desired images and text and then use some basic Javascript code to display your gallery.

Here's an example:
<div id="gallery">
  <img class="active" src="image1.jpg" alt="Image 1">
  <img src="image2.jpg" alt="Image 2">
  <img src="image3.jpg" alt="Image 3">
  <img src="image4.jpg" alt="Image 4">


  var images = document.querySelectorAll('#gallery img');
  var current = 0;
  function nextImage() {
    images[current].className = '';
    current = (current !== images.length - 1) ? current + 1 : 0;
    images[current].className = 'active';
  setInterval(nextImage, 5000);


In this example, we have created a div with an ID of 'gallery' which holds all of the images in our slideshow. We are using the querySelectorAll method to get a reference to the images in the gallery. We then set the current image to 0, which will be the first image in the gallery. Next, we create a function called 'nextImage' which will remove the class 'active' from the current image and then set the current image to the next image or the first one if we are at the end of the gallery. Finally, we use the setInterval() to call the nextImage() every 5 seconds.
This creates a simple gallery slideshow that cycles through all of the images in the gallery.

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